Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Jain Recipes - Introduction

Jainism is an ancient religion originating from India. The last god of Jainism was Lord Mahaveer. The most important principal of Jainism is "non-violence" which governs the life of all Jains. Non-violence has to be practiced in both physical and mental form, even hurting someone's feeling is violence. Jainism is about respecting life of every living being on the earth.

Jains follow very strict food choices because of the principle of nonviolence. Jains refuse food obtained with unnecessary cruelty. The Jain diet also excludes most root vegetables, as they believe this destroys entire plants unnecessarily. Most Jains eat fruits, vegetables, rice, wheat, pulses, spices etc.

The recipes in this blog are all Jain recipes, they do not include any animal meat, eggs, seafood, and root vegetables such as onion, potato, garlic etc. They do include dairy products such as milk, yogurt etc.

I hope that you will enjoy all these recipes listed here.

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